Stress Balancing ICED Matcha Latte
The perfect boost for your hormones, energy, AND your nervous system!
Matcha powder has incredible health benefits:
rich in antioxidants
supportive to gut health
immune supporting
energy boosting - in a calm way
supportive to brain cognition + focus (thank you L-theanine)
Here’s what you need:
1 tsp matcha
1tsp honey
1 tsp cinnamon
1-1.5 cups coconut / hemp milk (water will work too but doesn’t taste as creamy or delicious!)
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp spirulina (optional)
Here’s what you do:
Blend all ingredients together
Pour over ice
** To make a hot version, simply heat stove top until desired temperature **
Did you enjoy this recipe? Share with me on social media @unbridledholistichealth !
Are you looking to learn more about using real food nutrition to support your health + hormones?
The Real Food Reset online program is a non-diet, family-friendly, hormone reset for lasting women’s health.